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heise offer: iX workshop: planning, implementing, monitoring IT governance

IT governance helps to use IT resources as efficiently as possible and to optimally support the strategies and goals of your company. In a one-day online workshop Plan, implement and monitor IT governance On March 2nd, you will not only get a well-founded insight into the basics and principles of IT governance, but also the tools and best practices for implementation in your own IT environment.

The online training is aimed particularly at IT team and department heads, as well as other managers with a strong IT and digitization focus. The event offers an opportunity to exchange experiences with other IT decision-makers.

As a consultant for IT strategy and portfolio management at Rewion, Maurico de Sousa supports companies and organizations in the modernization and automation of business processes. If you book your ticket by February 1, 2023, you will receive a 10 percent early bird discount.

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