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heise offer: iX workshop: Secure corporate IT with Zero Trust (now with a 10% discount)

IT environments are more diverse and complex than ever with applications and services in public clouds and on-premises, with a wide variety of devices (BYOD) and with employees working from anywhere. To prevent attacks, the motto here is: Zero Trust (trust nobody). The online day workshop Secure corporate IT with Zero Trust shows you how the security framework helps to protect your company’s IT effectively.

This safety training is new to the iX workshop program in 2023. It is aimed at IT security managers, CISOs, CIOs and CTOs. Trainer Yannick Hirt is an IT consultant at Rewion and supports companies and organizations in the areas of sustainable IT and IT security. The training is limited to 20 participants so that there is plenty of time for questions and exchange. If you book by January 31st, you will also receive a 10 percent early bird discount.


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