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Here is the best time to water the lemon tree and always have abundant and juicy fruits

Here is the best time to water the lemon tree –

Growing the lemon tree is also possible on the balcony of the house. But, to have copious and fragrant fruits, let’s see when is the best time of day to water it.

THE lemons they are one of the most loved citrus fruits by Italians. A real wealth for our country, whose production is mainly concentrated in the southern regions. A citrus fruit with a fresh flavourtasty, tart but pleasant on the palate. Excellent for seasoning food and give flavor to many dishes.

Also, the lemon it would have a series of beneficial properties very important and recognized. In addition to the presence of vitamin C, useful for increasing the body’s defenses, it would also be perfect as a diuretic.

Lemons are one of the most loved citrus fruits by Italians. A true wealth for our country –

According to our grandmothers, lemon would help in case of dysentery and to aid digestion after a heavy meal.

Not to mention his essential usage in house cleaning. Lemon not only eliminates odors, but whitens, removes stubborn dirt and removes stains.

In short, we are talking about a wonderful citrus fruit, useful in the kitchen, in household chores and for the health of our body.

Tricks to grow it

There lemon plant it is very simple to grow both in the ground and on the balcony of the house. The scent of its wonderful flowers combined with that of the fruits gives a truly unique aroma.

A very productive sapling and that never loses its leaves not even in winter.

To always have juicy and healthy fruits it is essential to follow some little tips. For example, it is important not to expose the plant to cold and wind, because these weathering could damage the little ones sprouts. In winter, we place the lemon tree in a sheltered place. Placing it near the wall of the house would be ideal. Or we could cover it with a sheet (non-woven fabric) to avoid thermal shock.

Also, the lemon prefers the loose, well-drained soils. For an ever strong plant, we pay attention to the nutrients. We can buy fertilizers, or make fertilizers (rich in nitrogen, iron and potassium) directly at home. Dried lupins could be a valid solution, even for citrus plants in general.

Here is the best time to water the lemon tree and prevent it from getting sick

Is very important keep an eye on also the waterings. There amount of water it is essential to prevent the roots from rotting and the leaves from turning yellow.

For an ever strong plant, we pay attention to the nutrients.

It is true that the plant needs irrigation plentifulbut you also need to do this only when the ground is completely dry. Naturally we touch the soil with our hands, to check the state of him.

In winter, let’s reduce the watering and we cover the base of the trunk with dried leaves (mulch) to prevent the roots from freezing.

But not everyone knows when it is perfect time to water our tree. It is important to do this in the morning before 10 a.mor in late afternoon. So, here is the best time to water the lemon tree without much effort.

It is important to follow this rule to prevent waterwith the sun, you evaporate quickly.

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