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Here is the starting point for the year’s first party leader debate

Economic policy and household finances will be in focus for the party leaders during the debate, says SVT’s Mats Knutson. These include high food and electricity prices and rising interest rates, which put pressure on households.

– From the opposition, the criticism will be harsh that the government is doing too little to reverse the economic downturn, but also that the government is doing too little to support households and vulnerable families with children, says SVT’s domestic policy commentator Mats Knutson.

– The government, in turn, will respond that the fight against inflation is the most important thing right now.

See more about the initial situation before the debate – and which party leader to keep an extra eye on – in the clip above.

Here you can read more about the topics to be covered. The debate starts at 20:00, you can follow the broadcast here on or on SVT2.

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