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Hialeah inaugurates first competition center for video games

Hialeah inaugurates first competition center for video games

MIAMI.- In a global environment impacted by new technologies, Hialeah inaugurated the first video game competition room, also known as eSports, where children will be able to practice, form teams, compete and, if they are very good athletes, obtain scholarships in the best universities in south florida.

“We are inaugurating a new space that may be the first in South Florida or even in the state. It is a facility to practice eSports that will operate under the name of Level Up Lounge,” said Mayor Esteban Bovo before cutting the ribbon this Friday, March 22 at Cotson Park, 574 W 23rd St, in Hialeah.

“It is part of our effort to attract children to the parks to practice sports. The more they participate, the more we will invest in these areas for the well-being of children and parents,” said the mayor.

The new facility, created with municipal and private funds, has the necessary infrastructure so that children can practice different types of online video games, compete among themselves and against competitors from other places.

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Hialeah eSports Hall.


According to Mayor Bovo, the most important thing is that Hialeah has reached an agreement with different universities in South Florida such as Florida International University (FIU), the University of Miami (UM), Barry University and Miami-Dade College so that these Provide student scholarships to children who demonstrate great skills in the practice of eSports.

“Level Up Lounge is an example of the commitment that the city of Hialeah has with the community,” said Jesús Tundidor, president of the Municipal Council. “Times have changed, the reflection of this is that we are inaugurating the first eSports center in Hialeah, a place where children can play different electronic games on computers, Nintendo, PlayStation for free and safely.

About 70 children have signed up for eSports in Hialeah, in two categories: one from 8 to 12 years old and another from 13 to 17. Alex Guerrero, one of the Smash Bros champions, said he was happy with the City’s initiative that Allows you to play after school.

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Jesús Tundidor, president of the Municipal Council, plays with one of the Hialeah champions Alex Guerrero.


“At the end of COVID, we observed that children’s participation in the parks decreased a lot. The boys preferred to stay at home playing video games instead of going out to the park to play sports. The idea that originated this center was to create something that motivated children. children to leave their homes,” said Gian Brazada, supervisor of the Department of Parks and Recreation, one of the architects of the idea.

“We wanted to attract those kids who were not interested in baseball, football or basketball to interact, develop their social skills and practice something that is now considered a sport: video games,” said Brazada.

“The investment we make in our park system is for you,” said Bovo, pointing to the children present at the inauguration. “Remember, when your parents tell you: ‘Kid, stop playing on the computer,’ you can already respond: ‘Dad, I’m training, preparing for the future.'”

Some 3.3 billion people play games online. Many of whom participate in tournaments that captivate tens of thousands of spectators.

(email protected)


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