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Hialeah Republican Club expresses support for Trump, despite local pressure

Hialeah Republican Club expresses support for Trump, despite local pressure

MIAMI.- As if it were an omen, the Hialeah-Miami Lakes Republican Club launched its first public event in support of the electoral campaign of former President Donald Trump in a demonstration in the streets of the city, in which there were notable absences and pressure to that the act would not take place.

At this Saturday’s event, one day before Governor Ron DeSantis announced his withdrawal from the Republican primaries, Hialeah councilors Bryan Calvo and Angélica Pacheco spoke as president and vice president of the club, respectively.

“The primaries for the nomination of the Republican Party candidate are approaching and a campaign office for our great President Trump had not yet been formally established,” said Pacheco, haranguing those present before going out to 49th Avenue in Hialeah to demonstrate.

“We want to be an example for the rest of the nation. We are not waiting to see which of the candidates wins. Even though our governor is one of the candidates in the race, our decision is firm and certain to support Trump.”

“It is imperative to make this decision and publicly declare our unconditional and firm support for Donald Trump,” the councilor insisted.

“We cannot wait for the New Hampshire primary to pass, nor wait for DeSantis to withdraw from the race,” Pacheco said a day before the governor left the Republican primary.

He then addressed the voters of the nation and especially those of New Hampshire to request support for the former president. “The salvation of our country has a name and that is Donald Trump.”

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Demonstration in support of Trump in Hialeah.


The absent

“There is a saying that says: tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are,” said Councilor Calvo. “We invited the politicians, the mayor (Esteban Bovo), the commissioners to this event and look who came and who did not come today.”

“We are eight weeks away from the presidential primaries in the state of Florida, which will be in mid-March. In these eight weeks, Angelica and I, along with all of you, are going to have to work extremely hard to make sure that here in Florida President Trump wins,” said the young councilman who worked as an intern in the White House during the Trump administration. Trump in 2018.

Regarding the purpose of the club, he said, “we want to start making a coalition of volunteers and people who are ready to work in the elections.”

“I have noticed that many politicians were playing both sides, trying to support DeSantis, knowing that Trump was going to win and that the people are with Trump. It was very notable that the mayor and commissioner René García were invited, but they did not want to attend this opening. I am sure that, from now on, they will come out to support Trump, without questioning him,” Bryan told DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.

“Angélica and I wanted to make it clear that we are with Trump from the beginning and until November.”

Calvo made a parenthesis to refer to the “political difficulties” within the city of Hialeah to represent the residents, “before we were six against one, I was one. Now, thanks to the last elections and the democratic process, we are five against two. Here you have both.”

“Angélica and I are fighting for the people of Hialeah, so that taxes are used correctly and the city has security and public housing. Things that should be had in this country and here in Hialeah people are not experiencing it, due to bad policies.”


It caught the attention of both councilors that on Friday morning two city inspectors went to the site where the event was going to take place and did a detailed inspection of the building. “Then they returned in the afternoon and carried out another inspection. “They left five notices of violations.”

“We asked the inspectors why these sudden inspections. They let it be known that they had been sent with the photo of the Flyer that was circulating about the launch of the pro-Trump campaign. They, as employees of the city of Hialeah, had been sent to check if there were violations.”

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“One of the notices of violations states that the City is required to grant you a permit in order to open a tent.”

“You have to wonder if Bovo, when he opened his campaign headquarters for mayor, asked permission from Mayor Carlos Hernández.” Bryan maintains that he did not know that a specific permit had to be requested and that he will ask about it at the next Council meeting. “You always learn something.”

“I am amazed that the city is so diligent and searches for a Flyer posted online to see if a permit exists.”

The Hialeah and Miami Lakes Republican Club was formed in 2012.

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