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High blood pressure affects one in five women

High blood pressure affects one in five women

MIAMI. – May 17 is World Health Day. Hypertension Arterial. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that high blood pressure “is a disorder in which the blood vessels have persistently high tension. Blood is distributed from the heart to the entire body through blood vessels. With each beat, the heart pumps blood into the vessels.”

In that sense, blood pressure is generated by the force of the blood that pushes the walls of the blood vessels (arteries) when the heart pumps: the higher the tension, the more difficulty the heart has in pumping.

In 2023, the OMS pointed out that four out of five people with high blood pressure do not receive a treatment appropriate. “If countries manage to expand coverage, 76 million deaths could be avoided between 2023 and 2050,” the organization noted.

In the world, almost half of people with high blood pressure are unaware that they suffer from this condition. The WHO indicates that more than three quarters of adults with high blood pressure, They live in low- and middle-income countries.

This disorder affects more than one in four men and one in five women: more than 1 billion people. It can increase the risk of different cardiovascular, brain and kidney diseases, among others.

Living more time

In 2024, the theme for World High Blood Pressure Day is “Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longer“. Among the symptoms of hypertension, 180/120 or more, are:

– Intense headache.

– Chest pain.

– Difficulty breathing.

– Nausea.

– Dizziness.

– Blurred vision or changes in vision.

– Anxiety.


Source: WHO / International Day

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