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High sentence for perpetrators of the assault and murder of a merchant

High sentence for perpetrators of the assault and murder of a merchant

The perpetrators of the assault and death of a merchant, which occurred in August 2020, received sentences of 22 and 15 years in prison, respectively.

The fiscal agent Carlomagno Alvarenga represented the Public Ministry during an oral trial and managed to demonstrate the guilty of three defendants for intentional homicide.

The accused, Victor David Benitez Cano and Hugo Ramon Godoy Alfonsothey received a sentence 22 years of imprisonment, as authors. While Vincent Prieto f.I was sentenced to 15 years in prison as an accomplice.

“The oral trial concluded this afternoon, after almost a month. 30 witnesses and three experts testified. In addition, more than 60 documentaries and various pieces of evidence were produced,” said prosecutor Alvarenga.

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The convicted were perpetrators of armed robbery, wounding with a firearm and subsequent death occurred on August 27, 2020 on the public highway of the community of San Antonio, Concepción.

The fatal victim, the merchant Juan Riquelme he was working selling merchandise in a truck he owned.

After the assault, the man was helped to Asunción and in his lucid hours, he recounted that the responsible for the robbery was Vicente Prieto, a family friend. He then entered therapy but did not resist, according to his wife Marcia Paniagua Viuda de Riquelme.

The prosecutor in the case, Carlomagno Alvarenga, was satisfied with the sentence, despite the fact that he requested 25 and 17 years respectively. “We are going to wait for the complete sentence to see what decision we make,” she said.

For his part, Gustavo Bonzi, lawyer for the convicted Víctor David Benitez, mentioned that the court convicted his client for a photo published on August 21, 2020, which was valued as from the date of the assault.

“My client was in Pedro Juan Caballero and I am going directly to the Supreme Court of Justice,” he said.

He sentencing court It was made up of judges Richard Alarcón, César Ibarra and Darío Hernan Estigarribia.

Read more: Half sanction to the project that expands the budget of the Prosecutor’s Office

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