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His great opportunity arrives: Daniel Gutiérrez once again to the rescue of the Colo Colo defense

National ChampionshipComments

Gustavo Quinteros again finds himself with numerous casualties in the defensive sector, so he must turn to the 20-year-old who has had to deal with the few opportunities he received despite his excellent breakthrough at the beginning of 2021.

© Guillermo SalazarDaniel Gutiérrez is facing another great opportunity.

The assembly of the Colo Colo defense once again becomes a headache. The Disciplinary Court applied two dates of punishment to Maximiliano Falcón for his expulsion against Everton, so he will not be able to say present in the next commitment against Coquimbo Unido for date 6 of the 2023 National Championship.

But that’s not all, since Matías de los Santos, the defender who arrived to cover the prolonged loss of Emiliano Amor, suffered a contracture in his left thigh that left him out of the summons for the last duel with the rouleteros. Although he has evolved favorably, He continues to work outside the campus and it is unlikely that he will be able to stand before the pirates.

A juvenile to the rescue

This situation will force Gustavo Quinteros to lend a hand to a player who has been waiting for another great opportunity like Daniel Gutiérrez for a long time. The 20-year-old defender saw action against Everton and everything indicates that he will have the possibility of being a starter again.

It is not the first time that he has had to take center stage at an adverse moment. At the beginning of the year 2021, the albos had lost Maximiliano Falcón due to a harsh sanction resulting from his expulsion in the Super Cup and they had not closed the arrival of a new central defender, which weeks later would be Emiliano Amor.

For this reason, Quinteros handed over the responsibility to a youth who at that time had not even debuted in professionalism and he did it in a great way, helping to keep zero in a tight match against Unión La Calera.

He remained in the title for another four dates and had his litmus test in the Superclásico with Universidad de Chile, but the challenge was not great for him. He annulled an experienced player like Joaquín Larrivey and marked presence in a defense that again was not violated, earning all the praise in the media.

However, a mistake playing against Palestine was expensive for him, since he would never start again that year. In 2022 he had sporadic appearances in alternative elevens and even had to go to sacrifice playing left back. The departure of Matías Zaldivia seemed to open the way for him, but Gustavo Quinteros insisted on Ramiro González, who has been stellar all year along with Falcón.

Anyway, Daniel Gutiérrez has been able to appear in three of the four games that the Cacique has played, and now in front of Coquimbo will have a new big test. The 20-year-old player wants his revenge after being left out of the South American sub20 and to show that he has gained the experience that allows him to perform in the face of the demands of a club like Colo Colo.

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