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Hispanic boy who fell from the tenth floor in the Bronx died from a faulty lock on the balcony of his apartment, according to his parents

Hispanic boy who fell from the tenth floor in the Bronx died from a faulty lock on the balcony of his apartment, according to his parents

A 4-year-old from The Bronx lost his life when he fell from the tenth floor of his family’s apartment due to a broken lock on the balcony doorsays a lawsuit.

Mother, Yandra Minaya35, was getting her 11-month-old daughter ready for a bath when she realized she couldn’t hear her son, Jayden, in the other room.

The woman he began to get scared and began to call the boy, then he observed that the balcony door openedexpressed her husband Edward Castillo to New York Post.

Minaya leaned over the railing and saw the worst, her little boy had fallen into the void and his body was on the cement. just outside the Noble Avenue building.

The infant died of his injuries three days later.

“My wife loved our son very much,” Castillo, 33, said through a lump in his throat.

“If it wasn’t for our daughter, I would have gone after our son”he added, noting that he had been working in a body shop during the event on July 24, 2021.

The family had been in the apartment for only two weeks, the father said.

Castillo said she called the building manager, SimplyBetter Apartment Homes, at the time “two or three days” after moving in to have the damaged lock fixed.

“They told us they were going to get someone to come fix it, and they brought in someone to work in the bathroomCastillo explained. “They didn’t knock on the door”.

Jayden’s family, who are seeking unspecified damages, is suing Simply Better and landlord NYSANDY6 Noble LLC in Bronx Supreme Court for negligence, failure to fix the lock or put warnings about the defect on the door.

“This is such a common occurrence that New York homeowners have been cited for hundreds of times,” said Joseph Ginarte, the couple’s attorney. The owners “advocate and continue to kick the can down the road.”

The death of the infant has affected his parents, who suffer from depressionCastillo said.

After Jayden’s death, the father said he cried so much at the body shop where he worked that he had to quit and has since been unemployed.

“My life has changed, like a complete 180 degree turn,” Castillo said. “My wife and I were happy with our lives.”

“We had a boy and a girl… Now that we only have one, it’s like a reminder that (Jayden) is not here with us.”

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