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Hispanics are shaping a new conservative majority

Hispanics are shaping a new conservative majority

You can see it in the surveys. It can be seen, heard and felt as I walk around our great nation. A new conservative movement in America First is growing and at the forefront of the formation of this new governing philosophy are Hispanics who long for the American dream for which they came to this country.

The rapid shift of Hispanics into the conservative movement has shaken the left to its foundations, who for years based their political hopes on demographic destiny and the idea that the Hispanic community would be a permanent part of their base. This appears to be fading as we see a growing number of Hispanics in the United States shaping and leading a new conservative majority based on their shared values ​​of faith, family, freedom, and work.

Driven primarily by their negative views of our current government, Hispanics are increasingly supporting America First policies that better align with their values, ensuring prosperity, security, freedom and opportunity for all, while celebrating their innovative spirit and love of democracy.

A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll showed a significant number of Hispanics rejecting the extremist policies of the left, similar to the failed policies of the countries they left behind. Americans of Cuban, Venezuelan or Nicaraguan descent move away from liberal enthusiasm for socialism and its mechanisms. Americans of Mexican, Honduran or Guatemalan descent reject the idea of ​​overthrowing law and order or abolishing the police. Almost all of them reject the left’s fanaticism with gender ideology and the rejection of religion.

Hispanics, like most Americans, also face a difficult economic environment, with record inflation, significant increases in the price of everything from food to gas and utilities, more than 60% of Americans living off salary in wages, and real wages declining. A growing number are turning away from extremism toward policies that hurt job and business creation, limit parents’ authority over their children, defund the police, and make the country less safe. The likelihood of the left changing direction is low because its sponsors and intellectual leadership have a dominant position within their own movement. Fringe voices on the left appear to be controlling the direction of the current administration and promoting a radical new agenda for the country.

Hispanics are vital to our economy, with more than $2 trillion in purchasing power, and are projected to account for 78% of US workforce growth in the next decade. The Hispanic community advocates for the creation of jobs and new businesses, seeks to advance their education, and is inspired by what we can do as a country to ensure prosperity and upward mobility for all. Hispanics have also become a major influence in American politics. According to the Pew Research Center, It is estimated that 36.2 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote this yearcompared to 32.3 million in 2020. This year, will represent almost 15% of all eligible voters, a new maximum. With the expectation that They will represent a quarter of the US population in 2050Hispanics are now a fundamental part of the American future.

As we observe this growing wave of enthusiasm among the Hispanic community, it is evident that the principles of America First will continue to resonate in diverse contexts. We recognize and celebrate our nation’s diversity, and the fact that the Hispanic community is adopting America First policies underscores its universal appeal. The America First Policy Institute and its Hispanic Leadership Coalition, which I chair, believe that fostering this support is vital to the continued success of America First policies that prioritize the well-being and prosperity of all Americans.

Hispanics want to return to policies that create prosperity, restore and preserve the free enterprise system, defend American workers and their families, foster economic growth for the underserved and underrepresented, provide access to quality education, and protect our borders for ensure safe and secure communities.

Let us take this opportunity to imagine what is possible, work to pave the way for future generations, and ensure that no person in this country is left behind. America First policies will enable us all to build a brighter, more prosperous and truly inclusive future as we face the challenges challenges of what is called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In the process, we will rebuild this country and save America.

Bob Unanue serves as a member of the board of directors of the America First Policy Institute and president of the Hispanic Leadership Coalition. He is president of Goya Foods and Goya Cares, and served as executive producer of the film Sound of Freedom.

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