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Historic Center of San Salvador dawns on the first day of the year “garbage free”

The mayor’s office of San Salvador began the new year 2023 with a garbage-free historic center, according to the director of solid waste, German Muñoz.

The municipality executes a cleaning plan called “Campana”, which will be maintained until next January 6, and which has so far allowed the collection of 2,200 tons of garbage in the capital city.

“We had a successful plan. Generally, this day we are walking on tons of garbage, but we can say that we are marking the history of a new Historical Center where all the vendors are assuming a new culture of waste management,” said Muñoz.

The mayor’s office collects an average of 61 tons of garbage daily, with the collection by each of the stalls of self-employed merchants and the formal sector, who have joined this initiative to create a new culture of cleanliness in the capital.

Photo: AMSS

More than 60 Solid Waste employees collect waste in businesses at least eight times a day, in daily shifts that start at 4:00 in the morning and end at 1:00 in the morning the next day. The commune has also installed more than 60 barrel-type garbage cans, to include citizens in this initiative.

Muñoz added that as part of the support for waste collection in the municipality of Soyapango, more than 100 workers from the capital’s commune have participated in these actions, which have allowed the evacuation of around 750 tons of garbage.

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