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Historical drought: Massa received the Liaison Table and will make announcements before February 1

The agricultural leaders had anticipated that they would request fiscal measures related to canceling the payment of anticipated profits

For iProfessional

01/20/2023 – 1:12 p.m.

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massamet this Friday with the leaders of the Liaison Tablewhich brought him a series of claims to deal with the consequences of the drought. The agricultural leaders had anticipated that they would request fiscal measures related to canceling the payment of anticipated profits.

The meeting was held at the INTA Experimental Station in the Buenos Aires city of San Pedro. In addition to the minister, the Secretary of Agriculture, Juan José Bahillo, the Secretary of Industry, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, and the head of the AFIP, Carlos Castagneto, participated in the meeting. The Liaison Table was represented by the head of the Rural Society, Nicolás Pino, the president of the Argentine Agrarian Federation (FAA), Carlos Achetoni, the president of Rural Confederations (CRA), Jorge Chemes, and the head of Coninagro, Elbio Laucirica.

As the officials commented after the meeting, the government promised to have by the first of February next specific solutions and specific to each problem.

Castagneto highlighted after the meeting: “On the first of February we are going to have a response for large and small producers. We find ourselves with claims from different sectors with different problems. What we are left with is have a constant work table this week to respond to tax claims and to the entire sector”.

In addition, he insisted: “You have to see by activity, by region, not take global measures but individually so as not to benefit or harm anyone.”

“We are going to study (the claims) during the week, we also ask the provinces and municipalities for collaboration, because the taxes are not only national, they are also co-participable, provincial taxes and municipal rates,” he remarked about the tax claims of the Liaison Table .

“In some areas everything has already been lost”, the crude diagnosis of the field due to the blow of the drought

The drought will produce losses in the field of US $ 15,000 million

“Minister Massa was clear in his concepts, what can be done will be done, what cannot be done will not commit to things that cannot be fulfilled,” he added.

For his part, de Mendiguren explained: “We are going to make together a schedule of the problems that arose so that before February 1 we can be clear about what can be solved in the short and medium term. Everyone understands that it is not the same problem throughout the country.

The President of the Agrarian Federation, Carlos Achetonispoke about the severe drought that is plaguing the country and revealed his expectations for the meeting that he will hold with the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa and his team at the INTA Experimental Station in Castellar.

“It is a rather atypical climatic situation, there have always been droughts and floods, but never that big. In some areas everything has already been lost“Achetoni warned.

Likewise, he added that in the region there are also shortages of rains, dry and late frosts that generate an “unfavorable” national context, and anticipated that next year will be complex in terms of livestock and agriculture.

The impact of the drought will bring consequences for next year in the livestock sector“, indicated the head of the Agrarian Federation in dialogue with radio La990.

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