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History: Colo Colo goes for a new victory against Huachipato in the National Championship

Colo Colo will face off against Huachipato this Saturday, April 1. Both squads will catch up in a match that corresponded to date 4 of the 2023 National Championship and that was suspended due to the forest fires that affected the south of the country.

Colo Colo will seek to raise his head after the tough defeat against Cobresal in El Salvador. The Cacique, along with trying to add three again, against Huahipato, and amend the course in the National Championship, also wants to add confidence for what will be its international premiere, scheduled for next week against Deportivo Pereira in Colombia.

The Eternal Champion has a great record with his next rival Who will he face this week? In duels for the First Division, colocolinos and steelmakers they have met a total of 98 timeswhere those of Pedrero calmly command the record between the two.

History indicates that of the total confrontations, Colo Colo has celebrated 44 times, while he has lamented another 19. To this, it is worth mentioning that 35 games have ended even. Another important statistic to mention is that Pedrero’s men are also on top when it comes to goals scored, since Those from Macul have scored 151 times and Huachipato 105.

How has Colo Colo fared on a visit against Huachipato at the Talcahuano CAP?

For these statistics, we will also add the Las Higueras stadium, where the Unsina team used to be the venue before the remodeling of its sports stronghold. Thus, Colo Colo has played 32 times, of which it has achieved 13 wins and 5 losses.. In addition, he has had the opportunity to score 42 goals and receive 31 goals.

It is worth mentioning that the last match played between both institutions in the Talcahuano CAP, ended with a victory by the minimum for the locals on February 27, 2022. Now, months later the Cacique, by the same marker, defeated his rivals, in what was the most recent duel between these teams.

The match between Colo Colo and Huachipato is scheduled for Saturday April 1 from 12 noon at the Talcahuano CAPwhere Diego Flores will be the main referee. You can find all the news about the duel between Albos and Siderúrgicos at

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