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History: Colo Colo will go out to defend the undefeated one he has against Coquimbo at the Monumental

National ChampionshipComments

Colo Colo will face Coquimbo Unido at the Monumental Stadium. Those led by Gustavo Quinteros will seek to return to triumphs after equalizing against Everton in La Ruca.

© Agency OneColo Colo will look for more victories against Coquimbo Unido

A new test will have Colo Colo this weekend. The Albos need to take off definitively if they want the distance with the teams above not to increase, for this reason the Cacique will seek to add three against Coquimbo Unido, with the main objective of not losing footing on the leader, Huachiapto and gaining definitive confidence for the coming parties.

In history, Colocolinos and Aurinegros have met a total of 53 times in duels for the First Division. Pedrero’s squad dominates with 32 wins against six of the team that will visit this weekend. To this, together with the 15 equalities that they register, it is worth noting that Popular have scored 107 times, while the Coquimbanos have scored 50.

In view of the above, it is worth noting that the cast of the IV region has not defeated the Albos since 2019, when at the Francisco Sánchez Rumboroso, Coquimbo Unido won by two to zero. From that duel until today, both squads have played a total of four games.

How have Colo Colo and Coquimbo Unido fared at the Monumental Stadium?

Along with going out in search of the three units, the Eternal Champion will also go out to David Arellano to defend an undefeated against the Pirates. This is because, in La Ruca, Coquimbo has never defeated Colo Colo in national tournaments.

In Pedrero, they have faced each other 20 timesof which 15 have been victories for Popular and on five occasions the result has ended in a draw. The last time that Coquimbo salvaged points from Macul was in the 2004 Clausura, a championship in which they tied one on one.

Besides, in the last confrontation in Macul, which dates from May 15, 2022when with goals from Matías Zaldivia, César Fuentes and two from Juan Martín Lucero, the Albos defeated by four to zero. Now heThe last time they saw each other was on October 23, when with goals from Lucero and Agustín Bouzat, the Cacique brought down the 33rd star for a visit.

The match is scheduled by the ANFP for this Sunday, February 26 at the Monumental Stadium from 8:30 p.m.. It is worth noting that the duel will mean the return of Gustavo Quinteros and the probable return of Leonardo Gil, who could only say that he was present in the Super Cup against Magallanes.

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