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Histrionic, controversial and passionate: the story of the referee murdered in La Plata

The repercussions continue for the crime of the referee and ex-policeman murdered in La Plata during the night of this Tuesday. Is about Hector Horacio Lopumo71 years old, who lived in the city, but was born in the Buenos Aires town of Carlos Tejedor.

Over the years, Horacio became involved in soccer refereeing and began his career as a Police Officer. On the courts he did not go unnoticed and off it, in his time of service, he always stood out for the passion he put into performing his duties.

Although his parents always wanted him to study, he made the decision to help his father in the general store they had in his hometown. Over time, however, he fell in love with soccer and was even close to refereeing for the Argentine Soccer Association (AFA), but that chance slipped out of his hands because he did not have a full high school degree at the time.

In an interview published in the magazine The League of Clubs In 2020, Lopumo recalled how his years as a referee were and the countless anecdotes he has delivered justice in matches in the Carlos Tejedor, Trenque Lauquen, La Pampa, La Plata and Ensenada leagues, among others.

Those who knew him and even himself used to point out that he was somewhat histrionic when he refereed. “Many tell me ‘why don’t you change’, and I tell them no, there are no greys here”Héctor told the journalist in that note Gabriel “Colo” Lopez referring to the rigidity with which he directed his parties and also operated as a policeman.

There were many matches in which he was involved in controversy and his particular way of acting made him a referee who always ended up having a greater role than usual for a football judge. “As a referee and as a policeman, I always fight to defend my teammates”said in said interview, the man who was recently murdered in La Plata. “Refereeing is carried in the heart, it is not for money. When we give the courses, many tell you that they do it for the money. Those who tell me that, I tell them, go away guys! Because at some point a club will come to give you a kite and they are going to lose very easily”explained Lopumo then, thus evidencing the passion with which he worked and what his values ​​were.

On the night of the mate, at the age of 71, he was murdered in cold blood by at least three armed men who came to his home at 25 and 73, in the highlands of San Lorenzo. Lopumo died at the scene, while his assailants fled and are still being intensively sought by the Police.

The memory of his passing through arbitration and also by the Police, is still latent and family and friends are in charge at this time of dismissing him with emotional messages, regretting what happened and asking for Justice.

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