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Hogwarts Legacy: 25 Secrets You Probably Escaped

Game news Hogwarts Legacy: 25 Secrets You Probably Escaped

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Hogwarts Legacy was officially unveiled to the world on February 10, 2023. And the least we can say is that the launch was a hit. Millions of budding wizards have been able to walk the halls of Hogwarts and attend their first classes. The secrets of Hogwarts Legacy are not so easily revealed. But don’t panic, this JV Facts is here to bring them to light.

The best Harry Potter game

The Harry Potter license did not wait Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy to enter the world of video games. Several projects have emerged, to give fans a glimpse into the life of a Hogwarts wizard. With a first series of games that spans from 2001 to 2011, retracing the adventures of the bespectacled wizard in the books/movies. Subsequently, the saga lives essentially through the Lego Harry Potter games, where the Avada Kedavra put you in a spare part.

It will therefore have been necessary to wait quite a while before obtaining a Harry Potter game that meets the expectations of aficionados. Between its graphics, its dynamic gameplay and a fidelity to the architecture of Hogwarts bluffing, Hogwarts Legacy is clearly a love letter to fans of the license. The immersion is therefore total.

A resounding success despite the controversies

Hogwart Legacy is a real success, the sales testify to it. Not to mention the rave reviews about him, including the one available on JV where the score of 18/20 is granted to it. But a controversy has resurfaced in relation to the author of Harry Potter, JK Rowling. The trans community criticizes him for his many comments deemed transphobic. This led to an attempt to boycott the game (given that JK Rowling receives profits, copyright requires). But also a boycott of the media and streamers who highlight the game by playing it.

On the developer side, we observe their desire to make Hogwarts Legacy a very inclusive game. We see it with the great freedom of character creation, in order to make a protagonist in our image. And especially with the presence of Sirona Ryan, the first trans character in the Harry Potter universe.

  • For more, the JV Facts on Hogwarts Legacy is just above.

About Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy

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