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Hogwarts Legacy: 8 tips for getting off to a good start at Hogwarts

Ambitious adventure promising hours and hours of play, Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy is full of mechanics that you have to know well to make your life easier. Here are our tips.

The great adventure Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy is now available to anyone who owns an Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, or PC. After years of waiting, we finally have a very complete adaptation of the Harry Potter saga in video games.

Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy is a very, very complete game. Which also means: complex, in the sense that it takes the form of an RPG with deep gameplay. Are you afraid of being lost? Don’t panic, here are our tips for becoming the best student in the best house.

How to properly start your education in Hogwarts Legacy?

Search locations to earn experience effortlessly

About JK Rowling

The editorial staff received the video game Hogwarts Legacy to test it before its release on Friday. JK Rowling did not originate it and was not involved in its design. We reject the active transphobia of the author, who has become a figure in the anti-trans struggle and who brings her funding and endangers the lives of trans people.

The environments ofHogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy are vast and full of things to do. They encourage exploration. While it may seem obvious to encourage exploration for a simple question of curiosity, there is actually a progression objective articulated around small challenges to be completed. Concretely, each time you obtain a page from the wizard’s guide, you will gain experience points. And since the sets are full of them (some require you to complete a simplistic puzzle), they’re free points. Just by searching Hogwarts, you can gain between five and six levels in a few minutes, which can make the adventure easier afterwards.

Wait before opening chests

In Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy, we do not have an unlimited inventory. And when it’s full, you can’t pick up anything anymore… at the risk of not getting rewards. Before opening a chest, it is highly recommended to wait until you have space to accommodate the new pieces of loot. To do this, you can either destroy the unused equipment or, better, resell it to earn money (hint: money is important in the game).

Quickly increase your inventory

This point is related to the previous one: there is a way to increase inventory capacity. How ? By completing challenges from Merlin. Scattered everywhere, it consists of solving an environmental enigma, using your spells. With each level completed, you gain storage slots. This is far from negligible, since it allows you to breathe a little when you get loot.

Don’t be afraid to steal honest people’s money

Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy does not have a morality system, but players will find various quests and storylines that will influence the witch or wizard they choose to become “says the official FAQ. Therefore, doing good or evil doesn’t really matter in the game. Translation: you can steal money from people with no real effect — other than getting rich. There’s a chest in a teacher’s classroom? Serve yourself. There are no small savings.

Use Revelio at will

The Revelio spell is certainly your best ally, and the one you will use the most. Considered essential, it highlights all sorts of useful and interactive targets, including hidden objects, puzzle-related objects, loot, enemies and more “. To launch it, just press the left arrow key. The trick is to abuse it to reveal all the little interactions you might miss — by highlighting lots of things. Revelio is a kind of environment scanner. It’s a very useful spell.

Learn as many spells as possible

Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy offers us the opportunity to embody a student of the prestigious school of magic. Therefore, we will learn… spells. And we strongly recommend that you learn as much as possible, since it allows you to expand your arsenal – whether in combat or to make your life easier during the exploration phases. Some spells are automatically unlocked when you participate in quests, others go through additional tasks to complete. In short, as soon as a quest allows you to unlock a spell, do it.

Manage spell shortcuts well

If you have a lot of spells in Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy (under cover of having unlocked them…), you cannot use them all at the same time. The gameplay relies on shortcuts, assigned to the four buttons of the controller, holding the right trigger. This means that you can only be equipped with four spells at the same time. Spells are arranged in colors, which correspond to the shield that enemies can use. To break it, you must use a spell of the corresponding color (example: red for red). Therefore, when you make your shortcuts, remember to assign a spell of each color to the keys.

Note that there is a way to add other sets of spells (to be selected by holding the striker and pressing in one direction). This requires talent points, obtained each time you level up. In all, you can unlock four sets of different spells, enough to respond to the different threats that populate Hogwarts and its surroundings. Because, yes, the confrontations require a bit of strategy if you want to avoid problems.

Don’t neglect fantastic beasts

In Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy, there are fantastic animals. And, as in the eponymous films, we can capture them. It’s not just a question of collection: fantastic animals allow you to recover resources that can be resold. You can even make them mate to get babies, babies that you can barter for a few gold coins. In short, fantastic animals make it very easy to get rich.

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