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Hogwarts Legacy: Lore Explained – Story and Character Details!

On February 10th, Hogwarts Legacy will be released and with it a new playable adventure in the Harry Potter universe. Unlike the main magical storyline of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the war against Voldemort, Hogwarts Legacy takes us to the wizarding and witch school of 1890. While we’re familiar with some of the locations, terminology, and family names, the rest will be entirely new or be old. At this time we come as a fresh student in the fifth Hogwarts year and will be able to reenact our own little adventures, but also the big historical events.

The linchpin of Hogwarts Legacy: The Fourth Goblin Rebellion

In Hogwarts Legacy we will (buy now €84.99 / €53.99 ) witness first-hand the Fourth Goblin Rebellion led by a goblin named Ranrock. As with previous rebellions, discrimination, racism and basic rights are at the heart of the goblin uprising. They are constantly monitored by the Ministry of Magic to ensure that humans remain the dominant beings in the wizarding world. With their rebellions, the kobolds are pursuing the goal of gaining more freedom and equality. However, the wizards and witches have consistently crushed these uprisings and through propaganda ensured that the goblins are viewed as villains in society as well.

In 1612 the first goblin rebellion occurred, with the Three Broomsticks inn in the village of Hogsmeade serving as the base for the rebellion. The real reason for the fighting was an under-representation of the kobolds in the Wizengamot, the high court of sorcery.

The next rebellion occurred in 1752 and lasted a full ten years. Several Ministers of Magic were fired during the fighting for not knowing how to handle the situation. The uprising ended with the death of Vargot, the leader of the goblins. For this rebellion, the kobolds even enlisted reinforcements by teaming up with another minority: the werewolves.

Also in the 18th century, the Third Rebellion followed and was remembered as somewhat more “popular”. In the course of this, the goblin leader Urg the Unclean was immortalized on a chocolate frog playing card.

The goblins and their fourth rebellion should take up a large part of the plot
Source: Warner Bros.

Arrived in the story Hogwarts Legacys, the fourth goblin rebellion occurs in 1890 and has a new powerful leader with Ranrock. This can work magic without a wand and is apparently also supported by humans. At least the dark wizard Victor Rookwood is part of his following. Surely there are still a few secrets behind the uprising and within the Ministry of Magic that need to be uncovered.

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