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Hogwarts Legacy officially arrives, the most anticipated game in the Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy officially arrives, the most anticipated game in the Wizarding World

In its launch week, critics and the public have accepted the expectations created towards Hogwarts Legacy. The reasons are diverse, starting with a totally original and epic story, with a character created from scratch.

One of the most anticipated games has as its main attraction making us part of its adventure from the creation of the protagonist. Whether it’s a boy or a girl, we can choose all kinds of elements of the face, skin color, hairstyle, and accessories such as glasses.

Undoubtedly, the creation and evolution of the character also intervenes in the judgment of the Sorting Hat, to choose whether we belong to Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. This will mark which characters we know and what deal we will have with them.

The Truth News tells you that for the adventure set at the end of the 19th century, the protagonist will be chosen to fight against Victor Rockwood, a dark magician who seeks to dominate based on chaos. We will be able to qualify our personality and way of being in the game thanks to the dialogue options and decisions that must be made.

Hogwarts opens its doors

In this game we can explore Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Legacy is an open world title like games with many icons to discover on the map and those that are more organically developed. Here we have many reasons to explore our surroundings based on side quests and minigames.

We can use our broom to go from one place to another, and of course what many fans of the Harry Potter saga, visit the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like we’ve never done before.

It may interest you: Relationship between the temporality of Hogwarts Legacy and the Harry Potter books

How long does the Hogwarts Legacy last?

The Hogwarts Legacy campaign, playing on maximum difficulty and having to retry a couple of quests, it takes about 22 hours to complete the main story. Being a little less strict, it can be said that the story lasts between 20 and 25 hours depending on how fast we are, how hard it is for us to overcome certain challenges.

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