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Hogwarts Legacy: several ray tracing options will be available on PC

Among the big games that will be available next month, Hogwarts Legacy is probably the most anticipated. Avalanche Software’s baby will be released on February 10 and some details are still being gleaned here and there by players. Today, it is in particular the ray tracing functionalities that are detailed.

Hogwarts Legacy will offer ray tracing on PC

It was via a message posted on Twitter that WB Games clarified the options that will be available in Hogwarts Legacy. The game will notably offer shadows, reflections and ambient occlusion via ray tracing. The latter should allow you to enjoy a title in natural light, which will sublimate the interiors as well as the landscapes of the game, at any time of the day.

For the moment, everything suggests that these options will be reserved for PC players. Despite the compatibility of Xbox Series X | S and PS5 with ray tracing, few games offer it.

Two graphics modes on Xbox Series X|S and PS5

The latest news, Hogwarts Legacy will simply allow console players to choose between two graphics modes: a quality mode at 30 FPS with a higher resolution, as well as a performance mode aiming for 60 FPS. We will certainly have more details on this subject at the time of the release.

Remember that Hogwarts Legacy will be available on Xbox Series X | S, PS5 and PC on February 10, 2023, while the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions will be released in April; Nintendo Switch players will have to wait until July 25, 2023. Details of pre-orders can be found in our dedicated article.

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