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Hogwarts Legacy: The patch that fixes the trophy bug is available on PS5

No sooner said than done. After the launch of the update for Xbox Series X | S and PC, the guys from Avalanche Software had given us an appointment at the end of this week for the publication of the update for PS5 and they have not betrayed expectations. There Hogwarts Legacy patch 01.000.004 is officially available for download on the Sony home console.

There are many interventions made by this patch, including the most awaited one by all trophy hunters. The update has indeed fixed collectibles counting issue which prevented the achievement of the “Collector’s Edition” trophy. The fix has retroactive effect, so all those who had already met the requirements for its unlock will see it tick at the next start of the game. All the others will be able to continue the collection with a light heart, knowing that the climb to the coveted Platinum trophy is no longer precluded.

While they were at it, the developers also fixed many other problems, improving the performance and stability of the graphics engine, reducing crashes that occasionally occurred at the start of game world events or when certain NPCs appeared, adjusting UI texts where necessary, removing flickering from some characters’ heads, calibrating better the visual effects of the kinematics and refining the save system, which from time to time gave problems generating unexpected errors. Found the full changelog on the official Hogwarts Legacy support site.

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