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Hohenems restaurateur is insolvent

Bankruptcy proceedings opened at the regional court in Feldkirch. It is still unclear whether the company can continue as a going concern.

By Güthner Bitschnau (wpa)

Bankruptcy proceedings were opened at the regional court in Feldkirch against the Hohenems catering business Benjamin Meyer eU owned by Benjamin Meyer. The KSV1870 Vorarlberg informed about this. The application for the opening of proceedings comes from a creditor under public law. Further information on the causes of this bankruptcy and the amount of the outstanding liabilities is not yet available.

Former operator of the “Vorkoster”, now tenant of the “Emsbach”

Benjamin Meyer ran the restaurant “Der Vorkoster” in Hohenems for many years. For a few weeks he has been the tenant of the newly opened “Emsbach” bar and bistro in Hohenems.

The “Emsbach” in Hohenems (C) VOL.AT

It remains unclear at this point in time whether it is possible to continue the business. Feldkirch lawyer Marco Fiel was appointed as insolvency administrator. The deadline for creditors to register their claims is June 29, 2023. The examination hearing was set for July 13.

(Source: Business Press Agency)

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