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Holiday of August 6, 2023: find out how much you should be paid if you work on this day

Holiday of August 6, 2023: find out how much you should be paid if you work on this day
Congress has decreed more than one holiday this year. Find out why it will be a holiday on August 6. Video: Andean
Many Peruvians take advantage of these holidays and non-working days to do internal tourism or recover from long days of work or study.

Fact: this holiday, August 6, will be a Sunday, but it is one of the days that most workers rest. However, they do work in other sectors, so these recommendations and examples could be taken into account when reaching an agreement with the employer.

Before the fight, the liberator Simón Bolívar harangued the troops with the following words: “Soldiers! You are going to complete the greatest work that heaven has entrusted to men: that of saving an entire world from slavery.”

August 6 is a national holiday in Peru to commemorate the Battle of Junín, where the patriot army led by Simón Bolívar and Antonio José de Sucre defeated the Spanish army led by José Canterac, contributing to the independence of Peru and South America. Andean Photo
Holiday August 6: if you have to work, you must receive your salary in this way
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