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Home foundations: at risk with droughts like the one experienced in southeast Texas

Home foundations: at risk with droughts like the one experienced in southeast Texas

HOUSTON – One of the big concerns in the midst of high temperatures has to do with the possible damage that a drought like the one experienced in the Houston metropolitan area could cause to the foundations of homes.

This, because the repairs are very expensive, as well as cumbersome for the owners of the properties or their inhabitants.

There are certain steps that can be taken to promote good foundation health in your home.

For example, there is that of watering around the house with a certain periodicity, but not very close to the foundation.

Extreme heat warning extended

Likewise, avoid planting trees very close to houses, especially those that grow with thick and deep roots, as they end up absorbing the water that the foundations need to remain healthy and stable.

It is also important to detect anomalies in homes such as cracks in ceilings and walls, windows or doors that do not close, which may be an indication of eventual problems with the foundations to which timely attention must be paid before they become serious.

It should be noted that the costs of repairing the foundations of a house can be in the range of $7,000 to $15,000 depending on the severity of these, since -in some cases- the movements of the base of the houses end up affecting the plumbing, which aggravates the situation.

It is important to determine if your home insurance covers foundation damage, although in most cases this coverage is not included in the policy.

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