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How and where to vote in the 2023 Ecuadorian presidential elections

How and where to vote in the 2023 Ecuadorian presidential elections

international newsroom.- Ecuadorians will go to the polls on Sunday, August 20 to elect a president, vice president and 137 assembly members who must complete the government period that ends in May 2025.

The early elections occur after President Guillermo Lasso dissolved the Assembly in mid-May and shortened his own term of government in the midst of a tough struggle between the Executive and the Legislative, which was preparing to impeach him.

Where do I vote in the Ecuador 2023 elections?

To be able to vote this Sunday, August 20, you must be registered in the country’s electoral registry.

Therefore, what you need is to check that you are registered. You can do this on the following website of the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador:


Running for the presidency are Luisa González of the Revolución Ciudadana party; Otto Sonnenholzner, from Avanza; Yaku Pérez, from Claro que se Puede; Jan Topic, from Alliance for a Country without Fear; Daniel Noboa, from Acción Democrática Nacional; Xavier Herbas, from Movimiento Reto; Christian Zurita, from the Construye movement and Bolívar Armijos, from the Friend Movement.

To win in the first round, 40% of the votes are required plus a 10-point difference with respect to the second most voted candidate. In the event of a second round, it is set for October 15 among the candidates who obtain the most votes.

There will be no quick vote count.

International observers: 297 delegates from various organizations have been accredited, such as the Organization of American States (OAS), the diplomatic corps, Electoral Transparency, the Council of Electoral Experts of Latin America (Ceela), the Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur), the Andean Parliament, the Lima Agreement and the European Union, among others.

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