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How can I go to work in Canada hired from Mexico? Learn to put nails

If you are an expert or expert in placing artificial nailsthen this work in Canada It is for you, because that northern country is requesting people who know how to take care of feet and hands, as well as who are prepared for certain aesthetic treatments, here are the details of the vacant!

In The Truth News We reveal to you that this job was released through Canada Jobank, a famous job portal, on April 18, 2023.

We recently told you what you need if you want to go to work in Canada, but now, we are going to give you the details of a job that will undoubtedly suit you, take note!

How much is the hourly wage in Canada for putting nails?

20 dollars per hour. Photo:

They are 20 dollars per hour, since the vacancy that was announced so stipulates it and requires someone who wants to cover 40 hours each week. This opportunity to work in Etobike, Ontario is about a vacancy for a beauty salon, where it is ensured that the hours are flexible, since they can be on weekends, afternoons or mornings.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to salaries, employees keep one hundred percent of the tips they receive, that is, it is additional to their weekly salary, which depending on whether they are Canadian or US dollars can range between $10,600.00 and the $14,000.00

It may interest you: How can I go to work in Canada if I am Mexican? Apply to these vacancies.

What do they ask of you in Canada to work putting nails?

Here is a list of what you should do:

  1. Customer service and details
  2. Experience of at least 5 years in the field
  3. Polish, cut and clean nails
  4. Apply acrylic and gel nails
  5. Know how to do pedicures and manicures
  6. Know how to wax
  7. Speak English
  8. Be a temporary resident, permanent resident or Canadian
  9. Have a high school certificate
  10. Current work permit

To apply for this vacancy you just have to send an email to

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