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How can I help my son find his professional vocation without putting pressure on him?

Many students who have finished high school yet They have not defined what career they want to study, This is confirmed by the report of the Educación al Futuro Group, which reveals that 8 out of 10 students in the fifth grade of secondary school, that is, 80% of young people who finished their studies basics in 2022, They don’t know what career to follow.

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Faced with this situation, some parents can exercise a excessive pressure for their children to choose the career in the shortest possible time or impose a career that they consider; however, pressing them would only generate internal conflict for the young man.

“Parents should understand that at this stage, adolescents may still have questions about this issue. The best thing they can do is listen to them to find out their ideas, expectations and give them all their support”, says Taniht Cubas Romero, director of the Professional School of Psychology at the Autonomous University of Peru.

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Precisely, in order for parents to accompany their children in this process of choosing a professional career, the specialist offers some recommendations to consider:

1. Help him differentiate ‘hobbies’ from professional interests

Although in some cases there is a predisposition to take the natural gift into a professional career, it does not have to be seen as a law. In these cases it is essential to ask the son how he sees himself in the future. If you see yourself earning money from the ‘hobby’, it’s a good sign.

2. Promotes self-discovery

Today there are several organizations that are adapting new ways of working, ask your son how he would like to work? On your own, in a team, under projects, in an office, at home, by schedule or days? This will help you to better outline your tastes and preferences and thus make a career choice that is closer to your skills.

3. Understand that the world is constantly changing

Today you can find careers that did not exist 10 years ago and even disciplines that were in high demand before and are no longer so now. If your child has the idea of ​​studying a career about which not much is known, the best thing one can do as a parent is to find out about the new disciplines and understand them in a context where opportunities are increasingly global.

4. Have effective and constant communication

Finally, the best way to guide children to choose a career is based on effective communication and understanding that, as parents, it is time to stop intervening to start supporting, this will allow children to reflect on their future and your goals to achieve.

“Each young person needs time to choose their career, so parents need to be patient and avoid comparing their children with other young people, or forcing them to study a career in which they do not feel safe, since in the long term this can generate that they abandon the degree or if they complete it, they do not feel happy in the professional field”adds Cubas.


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