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How can I refund the money withdrawn from my Afore?

How can I refund the money withdrawn from my Afore?

The National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Consar) recommends that in case you do a withdrawal from the Afore accountuse the Christmas bonus to apply the refundthat is, return the amount you used from your account before.

The foregoing in order not to affect the income you will receive in your retirement. Therefore, here we give you the steps you must follow to carry out this process.

As we have mentioned in other informative notes of The Truth Newsaccording to Retirement Savings System (SAR)the unemployed They may request up to 11.5% of their savings funds managed by their Afore, as long as at least five years have elapsed since the last time a withdrawal was made.

You will also be able to dispose of your money in case of marriagealthough in either case it is recommended to avoid it.

Steps to reintegrate the resources withdrawn from the Afore

Returning what you withdrew from the Afore will bring you various benefits

-The first step is to go to the administrator who protects your resources.

It must be clear that this money is for a contingency plan, and that taking small parts of the savings for eventual expenses may affect its purpose.

  • -Personnel of the Afore must review your data and notify the amount that must be repaid.
  • -Then you will have to define whether to repay the amount in full or in installments.
  • -Then you must deposit the agreed amount in a maximum of 5 days.
  • -Finally, an acknowledgment of receipt will be granted and the IMSS will be notified.

It may interest you: What happens to my AFORE if I die?

It is essential to point out that regarding the issue, the Mexican Association of Afores (Amafore) reported that citizens who do not return the resources may face the following complications:

  • -You will add a smaller amount of your resources when you retire.
  • -Your number of weeks listed will also decrease if you are affiliated with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).
  • -In the case of workers of the Institute for Security and Services of State Workers (ISSSTE), the amount of their retirement will also decrease. Your pension is calculated according to the basic salary of the last working year and depending on the years worked.

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