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How did Manchester City do in the last semi-finals of the Champions League?

Manchester City do not have the best of memories of their last time in the Champions League semifinals. If we had to give a definition of what his time at the Etihad Stadium and the Santiago Bernabéu was like in 180 minutes, we would say that it was a dream that was on its way to becoming a reality, but that in tenths of a second it turned into a nightmare. When the percentage of reaching the final for the ”Skyblue” team was 99%, Rodrygo Goes crossed his path to score two goals in about two minutes.

Real Madrid v Manchester City – UEFA Champions League / Eurasia Sport Images/GettyImages

The feeling that Manchester City left in that tie was that they were a much superior team when it came to dominating possession of the ball, but that they did not know how to kill their rival either in the first leg or in the second leg. In the first set, being far superior in terms of intensity and in terms of play, with a 2-0 scoreline in the 10th minute of the game, you cannot allow Real Madrid to come out of that scenario with a 4-3 score. Mahrez and company still put their hands to their heads with the chances that were failed on the islands.

Riyad Mahrez / Michael Regan/GettyImages

Already in the capital of Spain, with City being dominant, he sinned as a rookie. Gundogan’s entry into the field broke the game and with Madrid desperately looking for a goal, they had a transition where Riyad came from behind to kill Courtois. It was at that moment that the territory of miracles lit up. The fans believed in the team more than ever and after saving the furniture on the goal line, the stars got together and given a 1% chance, Real Madrid had 99% faith. Rodrygo and Benzema turned the tables after being inferior to their rival in 75% of the tie. That is Madrid, believe until the end.

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