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How do I know if my dog ​​is suffering from heat stroke?

Like humans, our cocky four-legged they can also suffer heat stroke in summer, especially at peak hours or if they are not sufficiently hydrated.

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“When a dog suffers from heat stroke, the most common and visible symptoms are: very fast or labored breathing, excessive salivation, lack of balance, tremors, cyanosis (blue tone to the skin due to poor oxygenation) and increased heart rate. The effects of a heat stroke can be irreversible and even cause death. say Purina experts.

Likewise, Purina specialists share some tips to prevent heat stroke in your pet:

1. Walks at prudent hours

Take him out for a walk in not so sunny hours and in shady places. You can opt for very early in the morning or at the end of the night. It will be calmer and more comfortable for your conceited four-legged.

2. Never leave it in the car!

For no reason leave it locked in the car. If you spend a long time in a suffocating environment, without air and under the sun, it can cause serious and irreparable problems. Even to death.

3. Beware of elderly dogs and puppies

In summer, pay more attention to fluffy puppies and the elderly because they are more delicate than the others.

4. Always water!

Change your water frequently so that it is fresh and does you good. And if you go out with him, always carry a container of water. In summer they should be more hydrated than normal.

5. Take action and take it to the vet

If you notice any of these symptoms, hydrate it little by little with cool or lukewarm water and take it to the vet immediately.

Heat strokes are very frequent in animals, especially in dogs or cats abandoned on the street, or in family pets that do not take the correct precautions. Nevertheless, a heat stroke is not as simple as it seems, it can cause the death of your smug. Don’t be careless and keep your eyes peeled for the signs.


It is very easy for humans to realize if the weather is appropriate or not to go out. For example, in the summer season, we put on sunscreen, wear a hat, sunglasses, and wear short clothes to cool off. If the sun is very intense, we choose to stay at home.

Take him out for a walk very early in the morning or at the end of the day. Photo: Getty Images.

But with animals it is different. They need their human to help them detect certain things. As well as instinctively they take everything they find on the ground and almost always eat it, the same thing happens with the heat. For this reason, there is a famous practice that helps pet parents: The 5-second rule.

Before you walk your dog, place your hand on the concrete of the sidewalk and leave it there for five seconds. If you don’t tolerate it and you remove it before then, it means that your furry friend won’t either and his paw pads will suffer and it could be very dangerous for him. On the contrary, if you tolerate it easily, then don’t wait any longer, put the leash on it and take it out for a walk.

Try to bring a container of water for each outing, so you stay hydrated on the walk and enjoy your outing to the park better.


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