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How does analysis through data change sport?

The gaming experience should not be limited only to the sporting event, but should be attractive before, during and after.

By jorge linares


How does analysis through data change sport? Los sports

They are not only those that are played physically in the stadiums. An example of this are the new applications that interact with athletes, analyze their behavior and that of their rivals, among other actions. It could be said that the sports industry is becoming a technological industry, and one of the most important. According to PwC, this sector is expected to maintain exponential growth, reaching a value of 321 billion dollars

by 2026. Thanks to advanced analytics andartificial intelligence

leagues may have a great chance today to improve the development of sports, leveraging on the amount of data that is generated every day to monetize their content. Due totechnological advances

There has been an enormous amount of data available in the world that is impossible to imagine, so sports teams can make use of this data for their own benefit. Over the past decade, a new way of operating has emerged that has changed the bottom line for teams and also the way money is spent on recruiting new talent. Faced with this, therethree fundamental pillars

  • :
  • Fan engagement.

  • Performance of your teams
  • .

  • Monetization
  • .

A key factor is theanalytics

Jorge Linares.

Jorge Linares.

artificial intelligence in sports However, in Latin America, there are stillclubs that train players in outdated ways

, such as describing plays in notebooks or blackboards. Instead, the most important clubs in Europe use these new technologies. It is not by chance that those with the best results are those who rely the most on Big Data, analytics and artificial intelligence. Today technologies like blockchain

allow fans to be rewarded for taking certain actions, such as interacting with club sites, creating, sharing and liking content. Or through the loyalty programs

that allow them to accumulate rewards or points to use in merchandising, tickets, or different collectibles in digital format. Through these loyalty platforms you can collectlarge amount of data to better understand who the fan is

, and not only who goes to the stadiums, or lives near the club. Today digitization allows fans from anywhere in the world to also participate. However, the gaming experience should not be limited only to the sporting event, but should be engaging before, during and after. The tokens of most of the clubs in the world, including the most popular ofLatin America

can also be found on other mobile platforms that allow soccer fans to interact with their teams and participate in important club decisions through different types of surveys. Technology is transforming the industrygaming and sports

, and will continue to enhance the user experience exponentially. In this sense, it should be noted that both industries continuously seek new levels of interaction, fun and commitment to improve the total consumer experience.

Nubiral Revenue Director.

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