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How does the doomsday clock that keeps scientists on their toes work?

In times where the path and future of humanity and our planet are marked by a big question mark, more than one tries to find an answer or have ideas of what is to come as soon as possible. Thus, various scientists have formed several years ago “the doomsday clock”, which is intended to give us insight into how much time Earth has left before it completely collapses.


In order to show how close humanity is to destruction, in 1947 a group of scientists created the “Doomsday Clock” either “doomsday clock”. This will mark the hypothetical time remaining for 12 o’ the moment that said hour is marked, it will mean that the moment of the end has arrived.

The clock hands have been adjusted more than 20 times, with ranges from 2 to 17 minutes, which reflect the concern of the scientists who conceived it about the danger of a nuclear conflict at the start of the Cold War.

In 1949, with the first nuclear test by the Soviet Union, the hands began to move towards the end point. The clock was designed by painter Martyl Langsdorf, wife of Manhattan Project physicist Alexander Langsdorf, and on its first appearance on the Bulletin’s cover it marked seven minutes to midnight.

Next January there will be a last update (Photo: El País)


The position of the hands is subjective and referential. That is to say, as the harmful events for the entire globe worsen, the hands are getting closer and closer to 12, the final hour.

In 1991, With the end of the Cold War and new arms reduction agreements between the US and the extinct USSR, the clock reached its greatest distance from the final hour: 17 minutes.

For much of the time since it was put into operation, this clock has been more than 5 minutes away from striking 12, a fact that generated peace of mind for science lovers. However, in January 2017, it was only three minutes after midnight.

In January 2021 it dropped 100 seconds again, already taking into account the coronavirus pandemic and but not the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since back then it was nothing more than a threat. Once this fact is accomplished, it is possible that the hands of the clock will get even closer to the final time..

The third week of January 2023 the scientists will release their latest update and millions of people around the globe will be expectant.

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