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How is Colorectal Cancer Diagnosed?

Colorectal cancer is typically diagnosed through a combination of screening tests, physical exams, and diagnostic procedures. Here are some common methods used to diagnose colorectal cancer:

  1. Screening tests: Screening tests are used to detect early signs of colorectal cancer, even before symptoms appear. Common screening tests include colonoscopies, fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs), and fecal immunochemical tests (FITs).
  2. Physical exams: During a physical exam, your doctor will check for signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer, such as abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, or changes in bowel habits.
  3. Diagnostic procedures: If screening tests or physical exams suggest the presence of colorectal cancer, your doctor may recommend further diagnostic procedures to confirm the diagnosis. These may include:

It’s imortant to note that early detection of colorectal cancer is key to successful treatment and improved outcomes. If you have a family history of colorectal cancer, or if you experience symptoms such as rectal bleeding or changes in bowel habits, talk to your doctor about screening and diagnostic tests to detect the presence of colorectal cancer.

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