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How is the particular tattoo that Juliet, Romina and Daniela from Big Brother got: “Together forever”

Julieta Poggio, Romina Uhrig and Daniela Celis (@danielacelis01)

Julieta Poggio, Romina Uhrig and Daniela Celis are three of the ex-participants of the last edition of Big Brother that they continued their relationship outside the most famous house in the country. During the time they were isolated, they formed an unbreakable relationship that also included strategies in the game and for the youngest, the former deputy played the role of a mother there. They have said it more than once and she took care of them as such while they were part of the pageant.

And once they left, the situation did not change: they were seen together at all kinds of social and public events, sharing everyday and family situations. For example, Daniela and Julieta met with Romina’s daughters, for example, as well as the rest of the three respective families. This was reflected through their accounts on social networks, where they share daily what activities they carry out.

Thus, in the last hours, the women decided to mark their skin with an indelible memory of their time in the most famous house in the country and also to seal their friendship: they got the same tattoo with a symbol that marked the three for always. Its about eye of Big Brother, the one who “sees everything”, according to the classic slogan in each of the editions of the reality show. In addition, they chose to wear it in the same place on his body: the neck.

The person who communicated the good news was Julieta Poggio, who posted the images on her Instagram account, a social network in which she has almost two and a half million followers. “Together forever”wrote the actress next to the emoji of a heart.

Romina, Daniela and Julieta from Big Brother got a tattoo together (Video: @ipdatesmyj)

Earlier, they had recorded a behind-the-scenes video of the tattoo they decided to get together. “The great day has arrived, the present trident. We are going to tattoo the eye of the Big Brother, what marked us and changed our lives forever and made us meet these beauties of people”, Daniela said in front of the cameras when announcing that they would show the entire process for their fans and also for all the contestants.

The first to get a tattoo was Romina, the oldest of them: the former deputy maintained that “it didn’t hurt at all.” Then, she was followed by Julieta and finally it was the turn of Daniela, who first gained popularity as blink it -for her eyelash extensions- and later as vengeance -because of his attitude Thiago Medina on his return to the most famous house in the country. “It is something that will stay with us for a lifetime, forever”said the three friends who finished the video holding hands and smiling at the camera, expressing their joy at having shared the gesture.

Julieta, Romina and Daniela have their own trademark: they call themselves the Trident, thus highlighting the strong relationship that was born when they entered to play the program that was the most watched on Argentine television and whose bond of friendship continues abroad. For example, they usually go together to various television programs and also to events hired by brands to comply with commercial actions: they have already appeared in Cut by Lozano, Morfi’s Rock and recently they were together with their other classmates in masterchef.

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