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How is the yogurt developed by CONICET researchers for social purposes?

President Alberto Fernandez He was at the plant this Thursday Danone SA for the launch of a new line of yogurt produced from a probiotic strain. The dairy was developed by researchers from the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and contributes to respiratory and gastrointestinal health. As reported, it will be distributed in institutions with social purposes throughout the country.

The CRL1505 strain, developed at CERELA, is capable of stimulating the immune system, optimizing natural defenses when preventing or dealing with respiratory and intestinal infections caused by viruses and bacteria, thus contributing to an improvement in the quality of life of the population.

The launch is the result of a license agreement between CONICET and Danone Argentina SA, signed in 2022, which allowed the transfer of technology to incorporate the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 in a line of yogurts from the serenissimaand stipulates its provision by the company to public welfare institutions for social purposes.

“Argentine science is celebrating today because a company associated with it to better feed Argentines and Argentines”Fernández celebrated in the act that took place in the Buenos Aires town of longchamps. During the presentation, he was accompanied by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Filmus; the interim mayor of Almirante Brown, Juan Fabiani; the president of CONICET, Ana Franchi; the main investigator of CONICET and technical manager of the project at the Reference Center for Lactobacilli (CERELA), Maria Pia Tarantoand the CEO and Vice President of Danone for the Southern Cone, John Garibaldi.

“When I came to government and I was talking about science and technology, I was saying that we had to work with the private sector and I found a certain resentment”recalled the President and stated: “Three years later, with an enormous job from Daniel (Filmus), that was breaking down because we were able to merge all that effort.”

In this sense, he expressed that “we can do those things that those of us who are in the State and those who are in a private company are proud of. All proud, all united, each one doing what they have to do.”

For the president, “Argentina is called to develop science and technology, to add value to our products and to give Argentine men and women a better quality of life, and also to the world.”

The Head of State also stated that “Today science and technology are much more tangible”and along these lines assured that “It serves so that we can develop the early childhood of our boys and girls in the best way. Giving them adequate food is a central issue of the State that the market does not cover”.

In addition, he pointed out that “Argentina cannot continue being a country that has a center and two peripheries. There has to be an Argentina and development has to reach all corners of the country,” and concluded: “This is the Argentina that we have to build.”

In his speech, Filmus highlighted that this probiotic “is an Argentine development, and in particular from our north, which is going to reach school canteens throughout the country”, and stressed the importance of “continue deepening this virtuous circle between public contributions and companies”.

In turn, the head of CONICET expressed that “this product fills us with pride and all the people who are working in our institution to make people’s lives better and give back what we receive”, and especially highlighted “the public-private collaboration that is being increasingly virtuous”.

The CEO of Danone appreciated that “This launch reflects a common vision that we all have, which is to improve people’s quality of life”and pointed out that the initiative represents “putting an entity of the magnitude of CONICET at the service of research in conjunction with a private company to develop a product of excellence that is unique and that is an exportable material in technology, capacity and invention”.

The Secretary General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello; the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Toulouse Peaceand the national deputy Mariano Cascallares.

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