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How Joe Biden trapped Republicans

In his “State of the Union” speech, US President Joe Biden triggers Republicans to his advantage. Image: IMAGO / Pool via CNP/MediaPunch


His State of the Union speech was his best yet – and deadly for his opponents.

Philipp Löpfe /

Figure skater Tonya Harding was once world famous for trying to knock out her competitor at the 1994 Lillehammer Olympics by crushing her knee. Harding comes from the humblest of circumstances and became a symbol for the American population because of this actwhich is called “white trash”.

The members of this “white trash” belong to the lowest class of society Company at. They live in trailer parks, have them School aborted and mostly an astronomical divorce rate. In many cases, they are addicted to alcohol and drugs and are struggling to get by with odd jobs Life.

The new white trash queen: Marjorie Taylor Greene.Image: AP / Carolyn Kaster

Marjorie Taylor Greene: America’s New White Trash Queen

Since last Tuesday there has been a new white trash queen: Marjorie Taylor Greene. The controversial Georgia state representative earned that title with her demeanor at the State of the Union speech. She didn’t just appear in an elevator that literally screams “white trash”. She also behaved as boorishly as one is allowed to do in the street.

Above all, she ran headlong into a trap that Joe Biden had cleverly set for her.

Social security cuts lead to political suicide

In his speech, the President accused Republicans of intending to cut funding for pensions (“social security”) and health insurance (“medicare, medicaid”). You have to know: Who in the USA wants to remodel the social services, touches the “third rail”, the middle track in the subways through which the electricity flows. Such a touch is deadly.

Politically, too, it is tantamount to suicide if you want to tinker with the already modest social benefits in the USA. For the older ones People these achievements are essential for survival, and anyone who antagonizes this segment of voters cannot win a flower pot.

Nevertheless, there are always Republicans who try. Such voices were also raised in the run-up to the discussions about raising the debt ceiling. True, Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the Grand Old party (GOP), desperately trying to suppress these voices. He didn’t quite succeed.

In his speech, Biden was able to point out that individual Republicans are again toying with the idea of ​​cutting social benefits.

Warned in vain: Speaker Kevin McCarthy.Image: AP / Patrick Semansky

Republicans are behaving in favor of Biden

The president deliberately triggered the prolo faction of the GOP. Despite being sternly warned by McCarthy not to do just that, Greene and those like her jumped out of their seats and yelled “liar, liar,” an absolute no-no during a presidential speech.

Biden not only expected this reaction, he had actually hoped for it. So he kept his cool, smiling sardonically, forcing Republicans to applaud him when he responded to Greene and company’s protests that it was over the parties agree that the social services are safe.

The President had killed two birds in one fell swoop. He not only publicly wrestled the Republicans into promising not to touch old-age and health care. He also made the American public aware that the GOP is ruled by uncouth thugs who have nothing to offer but conspiracy theories.

The very next day, Biden put another shovel on top of that. He is currently on a tour through several states and wants to sell his successful economic policy. In a speech in the state of Wisconsin, he gleefully mentioned the improper behavior of the Republicans in Congress and presented evidence to support his allegations.

Joe Biden shines in his “State of the Union” speech and lets the Republicans step up. Image: AP / Alex Brandon

Biden proves that Republicans are targeting retirement savings

In fact, Senator Rick Scott, in charge of the Senate campaign for the Republican election, issued a policy paper before the midterm elections, calling for pension legislation to be re-approved every five years. Other GOP senators such as Mike Lee of Utah and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin have also expressed such intentions and have even been filmed doing so.

President Biden didn’t just trap Republicans. In his speech, he also presented a plan for how the Democrats can defend the White House in 2024. At the heart of this plan are efforts to win back the working class in former industrial states like Ohio and Wisconsin.

This is also urgently needed. Especially the white ones Men those with no college degrees have flocked away from Democrats and into Republicans. Thanks to the laws now approved by Congress – infrastructure, chips, Green New Deal – and an increasingly protectionist economic policy, Biden wants to ensure that the goods that Americans consume are also manufactured in the USA, and that this is also the case in the so-called “rust belt” decently paid jobs are being created in vast quantities again.

Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech is judged to be his best yet and is seen as a prelude to his bid for a second term. However, this claim is disputed even within his own party. The Democrats are full of praise for their president’s achievements. More than half of them still wish that he would no longer run for office. The reason is obvious. Biden recently celebrated his 80th birthday – and so far there is no antidote to old age.

World-renowned US journalist Seymour Hersh claims that the US blew up the Nord Stream pipelines with the help of Norway. The US government denies vehemently – the case at a glance.

A total of four explosions occurred in September last year on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. The pipelines running through Sweden and Denmark were built to transport Russian gas, including to Germany in particular. According to Swedish investigations, it is clear that it was a matter of sabotage – explosive residues were detected near the leaks.

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