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How long before aliens contact us? This study has an estimated date

We are obsessed with aliens, we accept it. Astronomers, engineers, astrophysicists and space enthusiasts are investigating different ways to see how to establish contact with other exoplanetary civilizations as soon as possible.

Will we ever get the long-awaited contact? First it would have to be confirmed with certainty that there are other habitable planets. However, based on the premise that they do exist, an Italian scientist named Enrico Fermi explained in 1950 why aliens still do not know of our existence.

Enrico’s theory helped an Israeli researcher who dared to put estimated dates for contact with extraterrestrials. Spoiler Alert: it won’t be anything anytime soon.

The Israeli astrophysicist, named Amri Wandel, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is based on the Italian’s report that says that the formation of the universe has suns and planets on which intelligent life could have developed long before us.

In this way, this would result in civilizations much more advanced than ours. That makes us a step (or many) behind.

“It’s barely been a century since we started transmitting radio signals, too short a time for these waves to be detected by an extraterrestrial civilization,” says the scientist according to an article published in National Geographic.

They calculate that the first radio wave emitted by our race, a little over a century ago, has barely traveled some 200 light years, a terrain that is not enough to have crossed paths with a civilization; remember that only the milky way has an extension of 100 thousand light years, about.

In fact, the first high-powered radio wave was sent out in 1974, estimating a travel distance of just 48 light-years. So, based on these numbers, the expert from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says that civilizations could begin to contact us in a range of between 400 and 50 thousand years, so don’t expect me.

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