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How long does it take companies to fill a job vacancy in Argentina?

Only 2 out of 10 companies resolve the search in less than 30 days, although it takes 60 days or more for 17%. What are the reasons?

By iProfessional

03/05/2023 – 08,46hs

A survey by Grupo Gestión indicates that 58% of organizations requires 30-60 days Find the employee profile you are looking for to fill an available position.

The world of work is undergoing profound changes due to factors such as the arrival of new generations in the labor market, technological transformations, the creation of new jobs and the need for new profiles. Consequently, the dynamics between labor supply and demand was modified.

In this context, the human resources company, Grupo Gestión, consulted companies that produce goods and service providers about the terms in which they currently resolve their job searches. As a result, it found that 6 out of 10 companies need between 30 and 60 days to incorporate the collaborator they require for the vacant position.

“While it is true that companies recognize that the search for talent is a challenge, the truth is that there are many variables that have changed in the world of work,” explains Juan Ignacio Rosendo, Sales Manager of Grupo Gestión. “The amount and depth of changes has been such that each time the number of companies that resort to consulting services is greater so they can speed up the learning curve and more quickly solve their searches,” he added.

How long does a contract take?

According to the survey, 12% of companies today require between 60 and 180 days to resolve their searches, while 5% require more than 180 days for the same.

Among the main reasons for these delays, is in the first place the salary gap between budget and what each of the candidates seeks to perceive.

Reasons that delay hiring, according to Grupo Gestión

However, it also appears that, for some positions, the number of qualified personnel for the position is reduced.

But not everything is a market issue: “We have found that 4 out of 10 companies indicate that many of the delays are also caused by internal administrative issues (39%) of the same organization, a situation that falls by half when the process is supported by the search and selection consultancy (18%)” they explain from Grupo Gestión through a statement.

“The complexity of the environment has led more and more companies to choose to hire external services to resolve their search and selection processes, mainly to reduce the contracting time of their staff. This is part of the transformation of the area of ​​human resources and administration that is taking place in organizations and that has accelerated from 2020 to date,” they conclude.

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