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How many dolphins are in the image? This Visual Test Will Reveal Your Mental Age

Through social networks, people share some viral challenges that reveal details of the personalityand in The Truth News we share this eye test that will reveal your mental age, but what do you have to do? You should see an image in just a few seconds.

But, you must answer truthfully, and you must stare at the illustration to know how many dolphins are in the image, since some have counted few and others assure that there are another number of dolphins.

And that is why you must be sure of your answer to know the answers to the test of this psychological test, but you will only have a few seconds to do this visual challenge, you have only 8 seconds, so you will test your mental ability.

Visual test to know what your mental age is

Visual test that reveals your mental age

The first thing you need to do is figure out how many dolphins are in the illustration. Below we share the answers to this visual test to find out your mental age.

If you found 9 dolphins, it means that you are between 25 and 30 years old, you are a simple person and you are not a person who is complicated by certain things, and your circle of friends is small.

Now, if you saw 12 dolphins, it means that your mental age is 20 to 25 years old, you see things from another perspective. You like going to concerts or looking at books, and you prefer simple thoughts.

But, if you saw 16 dolphins in the illustration, it means that your mind is between 30 and 40 years old. You characterize yourself as a not very cautious person, you are a mature person, so your friends often ask you for advice. And if you saw 17 dolphins, it means that your mental age is that of a child. You are a naive, kind and simple person.

It may interest you: Visual test: Find the word “ARE” in just 8 seconds

What factors impede the development of intelligence?

Watching too much television prevents the development of intelligence

These are the factors that impede the development of intelligence:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of goals
  • diets high in fat
  • do things at the same time
  • The use of technology affects memory
  • Watch TV
  • Changes in sleep schedule

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