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How many types of Complex B are there and what are they for?

How many types of Complex B are there and what are they for?

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In total, there are 8 vitamins that make up each of the supplements offered through capsules in order to provide the human body with a greater sensation of energy, an analgesic effect that fights against each of the neuropathic pains, and also, among other benefits, prevent anemia and help the formation of red blood cells within our anatomy.

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Bedoyecta comes in capsules and injectable solution. The latter is not supplied to children.

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With respect to Complex B in B6, In addition, they can cause nerve damage, sensitivity to light, and painful skin lesions, and in other cases, cause the color of urine to be bright yellow.

For all the above, also It is recommended that when purchasing multivitamin supplements, consult and choose renowned brands in order to avoid discomfort and negative consequences.

In children, it strengthens, favors and prevents some of the following items that seek to keep them active and in good health:

poor body development / Behavioral problems / Low intellectual development / Loss of subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue / Circulatory disorders

Likewise, in adults the consumption of B complex is suggested to prevent anemiaprevent symptoms of depression, metabolize sugars, fats and proteins in the blood, prevent muscle weakness, and in pregnant women, the release of congenital malformations in their newborn children.


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