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How much bread can you eat a day in a healthy way? The WHO has a recommendation

How much bread can you eat a day in a healthy way?  The WHO has a recommendation

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The nutritional contribution provides vitamins from the group B as thiamine or B1, riboflavin or B2, pyridoxine or B6 and niacin: carbohydrates, a small percentage of protein and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

If the person who eats this food practices sports and needs more calories for fuel, You can buy 400 grams of bread per day and you must take into account that approximately half of the calories in the diet they must come from carbohydrates, the main source of energy.

On the other hand, quality is another factor that matters. Whole wheat bread is healthier and provides more essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and fiber, avoiding blood sugar spikes, balancing appetite and regulating intestinal transit.

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) ensures that “theo ideal is to combine wholemeal and sourdough bread made with different types of cereals. In addition to wheat, people have rye, corn or spelt at their disposal. If you eat sliced ​​bread, it is advisable to opt for whole grain or multigrain breads”.

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Whole wheat bread flour is not refined, so it still contains the bran, germ and wheat

The fact of not consuming it on a regular basis contributes to significantly unbalancing the caloric profile of the diet”, they remember. Therefore, those who do not eat bread increase the level of total calories from foods high in fat or protein.

Finally, they mention that the appropriate percentage of macronutrients is the following: 15 percent protein, 55 percent carbohydrates and between 30 and 35 percent remaining fat. “To the extent that bread consumption is reduced, it is necessary to increase the intake of other foods rich in carbohydrates in order not to significantly unbalance the diet,” stresses the FEN.

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