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How much concert tickets cost and who decides the prices between sold out stadiums and arenas

How much concert tickets cost and who decides the

Between the rush to hoard and the wild speculations, let’s see why more and more often attending a musical concert has become a luxury. We also see who sets the ticket prices and why after the end of the Covid restrictions the live music market seems to be completely out of control. Not only in Italy, but also and above all abroad also due to the so-called dynamic pricing. So let’s try to understand what it is.

With the end of the restrictions for the Covid pandemic, the music sector has also recovered. In fact, artists have returned to earning money also thanks to concerts. However, there are those who complain and denounce the fact that, Compared to just a few years ago, ticket prices to attend singers’ performances have skyrocketed.

Compared to just a few years ago, ticket prices to attend singers’ performances have increased

And this is also because for the most acclaimed artists, the online sale of tickets can last even just a few hours. With the sold out which then leads to real speculation. That is a under the counter online sales of the same tickets at exorbitant prices. With the so-called secondary ticketing.

How much concert tickets cost and why the prices are often excessive

But having said that, who decides concert ticket prices? In this regard it must be said that an equation is almost always valid. That is the more famous the singer or musical group is, the more ticket prices tend to increase. And in most cases the promoters or in any case the representatives of the artists themselves set the prices.

So, on how much concert tickets cost, it is the variability of the price that dominates. With the best seats, including stadiums and arenas, often sold for over 100 euros. Precisely for this reason, attending some musical concerts has now become a luxury.

Because the cost of tickets to attend a musical event is often prohibitive

The problem relating to ticket prices for concerts that are too high is not only Italian, on the contrary. In countries like England and the United States, the situation is often much worse when world-class music stars perform. With prices out of control for reasons related not only to the choice of artists to monetize their performances as much as possible.

The problem relating to ticket prices for concerts that are too high is not only Italian,

As the mark-up applied by online ticketing services should not be overlooked either. Services which, in Italy and beyond, are often managed by very few companies in the sector. Consequently, there is no real competition that could lead to lower prices for the public.

And this is also why there are online ticketing services that apply dynamic prices. That is, ticket prices that increase according to demand. And so the closer the scheduled concert gets to sold out, the more prohibitive it becomes to buy a ticket. It deals within particular, of the so-called dynamic pricing that cuts out from the purchase of concert tickets, in all respects, those fans who have limited financial resources.

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