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How much did the dollar close at the beginning of 2023?

The illegal currency market He moved quietly on the first day of the yearand the Dolar bluewhich at times showed a downward trend, touching a floor of $341, rallied over the close and ended unchanged at $346.

american currency threatened this Monday, January 2, with extending the downward streak that he showed at the end of 2022but arriving at the epilogue of the day, it moved up until it reached the price with which it opened operations.

The dollar closed unchanged on the first exchange day of the year. Source: (Scope).

After marking in December 2022 its highest monthly rise since July, the dollar He managed to calm the frenzy that led him to climb to $138 in all of last yearthat is to say, 66.4%.

In the main caves of the City of Buenos Aires, the coin it fell $4 this Monday, settling at $341. It had just dropped $11 in the last two days of the previous year, after reaching the nominal record of $357.

The exchange rate gap was 94.2%. Source: (Scope).

The exchange rate gap, that is the difference between the dollar parallel and the wholesale exchange rate was placed at 94.2%.

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