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How much does a fixed term yield now with the new interest rate of the Central Bank?

The Board of Directors of the Central Bank (BCRA) today raised the monetary policy rate by 300 basis pointswith which the annual nominal interest rate of the 28-day Liquidity Bills (Leliq) went from 78% to 81%, the entity reported this afternoon in a statement.

“Simultaneously and in pursuit of maintaining the incentive to save in pesos, the BCRA raised the minimum limits of interest rates on fixed terms of individuals, leading them to a yield of 81% nominal per year in the case of deposits of up to 10 million pesos and 72.5% annual nominal for the rest of the fixed terms,” ​​the monetary authority specified.

In this context, Argentines desperately seek to reduce their purchasing power through multiple investment tools.

How much will a fixed term yield now?

If you deposit $10,000 for 30 days, the interest gain is 675 pesos. With 100,000 pesos -also for one month- the return is $6,750. And for those who have a million pesos, they will get $60,750.

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