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How much does it cost to spay or neuter a cat? Find out everything you need to know and do before and after surgery

How much does it cost to spay or neuter a cat?

When you decide to welcome a cat into your home, you want to do everything to make it live at its best. Deciding to sterilize your cat is a responsible choice that many people make. This intervention prevents cats and female cats from reproducing, but not only. Today we want to explain the pros and cons of this choice, what we have to do before and after the surgery and the economic costs.

Spaying or neutering a cat is a routine intervention, but which nevertheless requires some small precautions. By following the vet’s instructions and a few small tricks, our cat will pass the surgery without risk.

Following the vet’s instructions and a few small tricks, our cat will pass the surgery without

If you’re thinking about spaying or neutering your cat and want to find out more, read on.

Why sterilize the cat?

As already mentioned, sterilize the cat avoid unwanted litters and gives stray cats a chance to find a home. Furthermore, after the intervention, the cat will no longer suffer in the heat period and the risks of contracting some dangerous diseases will be reduced. Moreover the animal will be less away from homeliving a safer life.

Male cats after surgery they will gradually stop marking territory and consequently to leave bad smells in the house.

Obviously, however, proceeding with the operation, if it is a question of a last generation of a certain breed of cat, this will no longer be able to reproduce.

Once we’ve analyzed the pros and cons, let’s see how it works and how much the surgery costs.

How much does it cost to spay or neuter a cat? Who to contact and when you can do it for free

The surgery takes place under general anesthesia. For a male cat it consists of castration and is done around 6 months of life of the cat.

For females, on the other hand, we proceed around 6-7 months and the ovaries are removed. The intervention for females it is more invasive since the abdomen of the animal is incised.

Also for this reason, on average, sterilizing a cat costs more than neutering a cat. For males it costs about 80-120 €while for females between 100 and 150 €. You can contact your trusted veterinarian.

Instead, if you are dealing with a stray cat or a feline colony, you can have it operated on for free. You will have to contact the ASL Veterinary Service responsible for your area.

What to do before and after surgery

Knowing how much it costs to spay or neuter a cat is important, but you’ll also need to know what to do with your pet to prepare it for surgery.

The vet will give you all the information you need to better prepare your cat for the operation. The cat must not eat in the 8 hours preceding the operation and it would be advisable not to make him drink in the last 3 hours. This concern will reduce the risk of your cat vomiting during anesthesia.

Once back home, let the cat rest in a quiet and safe place. This condition will protect the cat from the risk of open stitches or wound infection. The Elizabethan collar will prevent the cat from licking its wounds.

The Elizabethan collar will prevent the cat from licking its

The feline should remain fasting for a few hours after the surgery. In any case, the vet will indicate how to feed your cat after sterilisation.

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