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How much money did Paty Navidad earn after placing second in LCDLF?

After the grand finale LCDLF 3many reactions have begun to circulate mainly through social networks, where the people who supported Patty Christmashave shown their dissatisfaction with the second place of the Mexican.

And it is that it is no secret to anyone that it was one of the closest finals in the three seasons of the reality show, since Madison, Pepe and JoseThey showed throughout the weeks that they were very supported, since they were the most nominated and therefore the most saved.

Although patty He did not manage to take the $200,000 dollars, that is, more than $3.5 million Mexican pesos, if he took a few thousand, which would have been the result of his 14 weeks in the reality show Telemundowhere it was said, he had a fairly juicy salary.

How much money did Patty Navidad earn?

How much money did Patty Navidad earn?

The thousands that he took Patty Christmas According to reports, the salaries of the participants ranged from $10,000 to $53,000 dollars, that is, from $180,000 to more than $900,000 Mexican pesos.

Likewise, it is believed that Paty Navidad received a salary of approximately $25,000 dollars, that is, more than $450,000 pesos, so that after 14 weeks, the accumulated salary would have been about $87,500 dollars, that is, more than $1 million and a half Mexican pesos.

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Paty won a fortune on LCDLF!

How much money did Patty Navidad earn?

On the other hand, it had been said that each of the participants would have received a sum of $23,000 dollars just for having signed the contract LCDLF 3that is, more than $400 thousand Mexican pesosso that added to this amount, the actress would have taken $110,500 dollarsthat is, a little more than $2 million Mexican pesos.

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