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How much should you be paid to work on Monday long weekend

The third Monday of March is considered as a mandatory rest day by the Federal Labor Law (REUTERS / Edgard Garrido)

On the occasion of the birth of the former president Benito Juarez Garcia, the March 21st has remained on the official calendar as a public holiday to remember one of the country’s heroes. In this sense, as it is highlighted as a day off in school calendars and those of working people, who who work that day should receive more money for rendering services to an employer.

According to Article 74 of the Federal Labor Law“he third Monday in March in commemoration of March 21″ is considered a mandatory day of rest.” The day stipulated in the code will coincide with the monday march 20 For the year 2023that is, one day before the birth.

In this sense, the Federal Attorney for the Defense of Labor (prophet) he claimed that the workers who carry out work activities on the stipulated date must receive the salary corresponding to the normal day plus double.

Workers who work on March 20, 2023 should receive more money (REUTERS / José Luis González)

On the other hand, the article 75 of the code that governs work activities states that employers and workers must enter into an agreement to determine the personnel that will cover the working hours on said day. In that sense, after defining it:

“The workers will be obliged to provide the services and will have the right to be paid, regardless of the salary that corresponds to them for the mandatory rest, a double salary for the service rendered”according to the same article.

In this sense, a person who receives the minimum wage of MXN 207.44 daily and has agreed to go to work on Monday, March 20, 2023, must receive the amount corresponding to MXN622.32 total.

On the other hand, if the person works in the free zone, located along the northern border of the country, the minimum daily wage stipulated by the authorities is MXN 312.41. Given this, those who work on March 20 must receive the total amount of MXN 937.23.

Benito Juárez was born on March 21, 1806 (Getty Images)

The amount for having worked on Monday, March 20, 2023 must be reflected in the following payroll. In case of not receiving it, the affected person can contact the Federal Labor Defense Attorney’s Office (Profedet) at the telephone numbers 01 800 911 7877 and 01 800 717 2942 from 08:00 to 20:00 Monday to Friday. Similarly, send an email to

In addition to the third Monday in March, The Federal Labor Law contemplates eight dates more like mandatory rest days. They are distributed in seven different months, although they may vary according to the particular calendar of each year. In that sense they are;

– January 1st;

– The first Monday of February in commemoration of February 5;

– The third Monday of March in commemoration of March 21;

– May 1st;

– On September 16;

– The third Monday of November in commemoration of November 20;

– On December 1 of every six years, when it corresponds to the transition of the Federal Executive Power;

– On December 25, and

– The one determined by the federal and local electoral laws, in the case of ordinary elections, to carry out the electoral day.

It should be mentioned that the Monday, March 20, the students of basic, upper secondary and higher education will not attend classes eithersince both the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) considered the day in their official calendars for the 2022-23 school year as a non-working day, so activities will resume on Tuesday, March 21.

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