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How much water should we drink per day

CDMX.- Have you ever asked yourself how much water you should drink a day and how important this is for your body? If this is a very relevant element for our life and that of other living beings on Earth, on occasions we do not take the importance due to daily intake.¿How much water should we drink a day?

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are particular aspects that will tell you an approximate amount of water you should drink and that depend on factors such as health, how active you are and where you live, together with which water is lost during breathing, perspiration and urine .

Even though there is a recommendation that 8 vases of water a day is the ideal average, there are those who could need more or less water, depending on factors such as exercise, the environment in which they live (in a hot or humid climate you can lose more water and why do you need to consume more), your health (if you have fever or vomiting the recommendation for medication is to drink oral rehydration solutions, although other conditions may require a higher intake of fluids), even if you are breastfeeding you will require a little more water.

The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine of the United States have determined that an adequate daily intake of fluids is as follows: Approximately 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids per day for men. Approximately 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of liquids per day for women. These recommendations cover liquids from water, other drinks and food, and detail that approximately 20% of daily fluid intake comes from food and other drinks.

Benefits of drinking water: Eliminates body cravings through urine and perspiration, Maintains temperature at normal levels, Lubricates and softens joints and Protects sensitive tissues. Remember that many foods contain high amounts of water, as is the case of sandía, and other drinks such as milk, yoghurts or tees. It is always important that you consult with a specialist.

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