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How pension reform dragged power into the heart of a social powder keg

The cancellation of King Charles’ visit to France is obviously anecdotal, but it testifies to the new feverishness of the State in the face of the risk of conflagration. The fuse lit during the presidential campaign ended up blowing up the building. By announcing that he was in favor of retirement at 65, Emmanuel Macron had siphoned off the electorate of Valérie Pécresse, the latter then shouting at the copy-paste of her program. The error of the president, once re-elected, was to think that this measure, being part of the intellectual heritage of the right, would obtain the consent of the latter in the Assembly. It has not happened.

The violent rejection of this measure by the French partly explains the fear of LR deputies, who are thinking of the reactions of their electorate. The other explanation is that the elected LRs who resisted the purge of the legislative elections are quite simply in the detestation of Macron, guilty precisely of having made their pockets. The new tripartition of political life can be interpreted as the opposition between the supporters of the president of a

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